How Effective are Carbon Offsets?

Carbon offset is a system developed to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and every other greenhouse gas present in the air. Invariably, carbon offsets are measurable using carbon calculators which offer an equivalent to every number of tonnes of carbon or greenhouse gases released into the environment. The voluntary market is a very small one compared to the compliance market, and it is here where individuals, companies, and/or governments buy carbon offsets so as to counterattack the greenhouse emission of gases that they’ve released into the atmosphere via activities such as transportation, electricity, and others.

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The Countries Which Contributes Most to Climate Change

Humans are pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate. But climate change is a cumulative problem, a function of the total amount of greenhouse gases that have accumulated in the sky. Some of the heat-trapping gases in the air right now date back to the Industrial Revolution. And since that time, some countries have pumped out vastly more carbon dioxide than others.

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Global Warming: How Much Does It Increase Every Day?

Global warming and climate change affect everything and everyone on the Earth, including animals, birds, plants, humans, and all other things too. Whether it’s a living thing or a non-living thing, it is severely affected by global warming. Let’s find out how much does global warming increase each year and how is it bad for us!

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What are Carbon Credit Markets?

With a number of ecologically destructive activities slowly causing climate change, limiting the exponential increase in emissions was long overdue. Hence, the concept of emissions trading or carbon trading came into the picture. This gave rise to the carbon credit market as a whole.

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Diesel vs Hybrid Carbon Footprint

Transportation uses vast amounts of energy and has a major environmental impact. As a result, rigorous assessments of the sustainability of various modes of moving people and goods are critically important. Multiple studies have found that electric cars are more efficient, and therefore responsible for less greenhouse gas and other emissions than cars powered solely by internal combustion engines.

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How can the Government Prevent Global Warming?

Global warming is increasing every day in all parts of the world. If we don’t stop global warming, the Earth and everything on it won’t be able to survive for long. Global warming has many adverse effects on humans, animals, birds, plants, and the Earth.

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10 Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Schools

Carbon reduction methods in schools should be projected towards focusing on activities that align with their core values: teaching and ensuring the academic welfare of students.

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