Global Warming: How Much Does It Increase Every Day?


Global warming is one of the biggest problems faced by Earth today. But why is it so bad? Well, there are many reasons and effects that make global warming the worst thing on the Earth. Whether happening by human activities or naturally, global warming is increasing every day or a lot every year. People don’t understand the meaning and effects of global warming, but they would realize it once the Earth becomes too hot to live on. Global warming and climate change affect everything and everyone on the Earth, including animals, birds, plants, humans, and all other things too. Whether it’s a living thing or a non-living thing, it is severely affected by global warming. Let’s find out how much does global warming increase each year and how is it bad for us!

The Rise in Global Warming

The Earth has an average temperature, which is not the daily temperature of different areas. The daily temperature is based on various factors and depends on the position of Earth from the Sun. But the Earth’s average temperature depends upon the energy that comes on the Earth, and that goes back in the space. The energy that comes is too much as compared to the energy that goes back due to which global warming increases. Human activities emit large quantities of greenhouse gases by different ways. Due to such gases, the ozone layer of Earth breaks and more ultraviolet rays (UV rays) reach the surface.

Moreover, the Earth traps more heat in itself than it releases, and as a result, global warming increases every year. The more we produce greenhouse gases, the more global warming increases. Nowadays, there are millions of different human activities that produce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is the reason why global warming is increasing day by day.

Earth’s Average Temperature

Now, let’s dive into the real deal. The average Earth’s temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in 35 years. You might be thinking why a small degree is so dangerous for us when the temperature of your place raises or lowers down every day. Well, it is because both these temperatures are different. Twenty thousand years ago, a five-degree drop was enough to bury North America under the ice. You can get an idea of why a rise of one degree in the average temperature of Earth is so significant. 

Effects of Global Warming

Now that you know how much global warming has increased, you must understand the impact of global warming on the Earth so that you know how it is terrible. There are many effects of global warming, some of which are mentioned below.

Climate Change

Climate change is the most significant impact of global warming on Earth. Due to climate change, the Earth is becoming hotter day by day. Moreover, climate change also affects tourism because the places haven’t been like before. They have been destroyed, and tourists don’t like to come to such sites. Climate change also affects plants and animals in several ways. Plant patterns change, and some vegetation also wilts due to climate change.

Moreover, animals that can’t live in hot weather are becoming extinct due to the heated average temperature of the Earth. Winters are becoming shorter, and summers are becoming longer. Winter living animals are severely affected by climate change.

Snow and Glacier Melting

When the Earth’s temperature rises, snow and glaciers melt faster than they freeze. As a result, sea level rises, soil erodes, and floods occur. All of these things aren’t good for everyone and destroy many places. Many people face loss and suffer a lot when such things happen. Farmers can’t grow crops in lands where the soil is eroded, and as a result, they don’t have any source of income. Moreover, the economy of a country is very much dependant on farmers and crops. As a result, the economy of a country is affected as well.

Effects on Water and Sea Life

Global warming occurs when there are a lot of greenhouse gases in the air. One of which is carbon dioxide. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide in them, and they play a role in reducing global warming. But, too much carbon dioxide is not suitable for the life of fish in the oceans. The ocean water becomes acidic, and as a result, many fish die. The sea is accumulated by carbon dioxide, and there is less oxygen comparatively. Fish need oxygen to breathe, and when they don’t get it, they suffocate and die. Many people also depend on sea animals as food or source of income, and if the ocean keeps on becoming acidic, their business can go downhill. 

How to Reduce Global Warming?

After knowing the adverse effects of global warming on the environment, you must be willing to bring a change and reduce global warming. Many human activities can be avoided to reduce global warming. Moreover, the effects of global warming are long-lasting, and they affect humans indirectly or directly in many ways. Adopt the following methods to reduce global warming:

  • Use bikes instead of personal cars. Cars use fuels to run, and burning of fuel emits a large amount of carbon dioxide in the air. You can use public transport too, but bikes are best because they don’t emit any greenhouse gases. 
  • Always travel in economy class airplanes and pack less luggage. The heavier a plane is, the more fuel it consumes. More consumption of fuel means more greenhouse gases are released in the air.
  • Plant as many trees by yourself as possible. It is because trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas.
  • Raise awareness among people that don’t know about the effects of global warming. Suggest people ways to reduce global warming. 
  • Don’t cut trees and forests for your benefit. Cutting forests is the worst thing that we can do. It is like ruining the Earth with our own hands.


Every year, the average temperature of Earth is rising, and global warming is increasing as well. We must stop it before it ruins the Earth and makes it uninhabitable.

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