Reasons To Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Reducing carbon footprint benefits everyone on the Earth from humans to the environment. Carbon dioxide is harmful to animals, birds, humans, plants, etc. in many ways. It is a greenhouse gas which causes global warming and has many adverse effects. Living in such an environment that has a large amount of carbon is harmful to health. It is us who can reduce our carbon footprint to save the Earth from such dangerous effects. But why should we lower our carbon footprint? Read further to know about the reasons for lowering the carbon footprint!

Lowering the Carbon Footprint for the Environment

If we reduce our carbon footprint, it benefits the environment in many ways. In the long run, helping the environment also helps humans in many ways. There are different ways of reducing the carbon footprint that is easy to do. But before getting to know about them, you must understand why it is necessary to reduce carbon from the environment!

Carbon is a Greenhouse Gas

As we all know, carbon is a greenhouse gas which causes global warming. Global warming is the heating of the Earth’s surface more than usual. It creates a lot of harmful effects, such as climatic change. The impact of global warming is long-lasting. The heat is trapped in the Earth, and as a result, humans, birds, animals, plants, everything is affected. 

Global warming increases the average temperature of the Earth. If the average temperature of the Earth becomes too high, humans won’t be able to survive on it. Due to global warming, 0.8 degrees Celsius has increased in the last 100 years

Not only does it cause hotter summer than usual, but it also contributes to making winters colder than average winters. Such extreme weather events destroy many parts of the world.

Melting of Glaciers

Melting of glaciers is also an effect of global warming that is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Many polar animals that are made to live in cold weather live at such places where snow is present. They can’t survive in such a hot weather. Global warming makes the habitable places of such animals uninhabitable. Many animals are at risk of extinction due to global warming. Glaciers melt faster than the time required for their freezing.

Effects to Water

When glaciers melt and snow from the mountains melt, it causes a rise in sea level. Increase in sea level also causes soil erosion. When fertile soil has more water than required, it becomes unfertile, and crops can’t grow at such land. Floods are also a result of sea level rising. This isn’t the only problem that is faced by water reservoirs. When there is a large amount of carbon in the atmosphere, water from oceans absorbs it. As a result, the water becomes acidic and harms fish and sea animals in many ways.

Lowering the Carbon Footprint for Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are also affected by carbon in many ways. Reducing the carbon footprint can save the lives of many plants and animals. When plants and animals are saved, the source of food for many humans is also saved. It is because many humans eat vegetables and fruits that come from plants and meat that comes from animals. Animals are also used to make different things such as leather jackets etc. Therefore, saving both plants and animals is necessary.

How are Plants Affected?

Many plants grow northward or to higher altitudes due to warming temperatures. Plant’s patterns are changed, and as a result, bad crops are formed. Sometimes a whole field of crop is also destroyed due to this reason. It causes a lot of loss to the farmers as well as the people who rely on plants as a source of their food. Many people rely on crops and vegetation as a source of their income, and if plants and their growth is disturbed, then many people can face a huge loss. 

Effects of Carbon to Animals

Animals are also affected directly or indirectly due to carbon footprint. Lowering carbon footprint can save many animals from harmful effects. Indirectly animals are harmed when herbivores can’t find plants to feed on because plants are destroyed or haven’t grown due to global warming. Migratory birds can also be affected by it when they migrate to a specific location for food and find out that the crops haven’t grown yet or have already been destroyed. It is an adverse effect of changing the growth patterns of plants. 

As carbon increases air pollution, animals and birds are severely affected by it. Air pollution causes many harmful diseases for birds, animals, and humans as well. Moreover, many animals fail to face extreme weather events, and as a result, they die. For example, polar bears can’t survive in hot weather. When the snow melts from their habitats before it is supposed to due to global warming, the animals become extinct. 

Effects of Carbon on Marine Animals

Even animals living in water aren’t safe from carbon and its impact. When carbon increases the acidity of water, many animals find it hard to breathe as they require oxygen and not carbon for breathing. Increased amount of carbon in the sea and oceans can become the cause of death of many fish. 

Lowering Carbon for Humans and Society

It all comes down to humans and our community. We can earth a better place by reducing our carbon footprint. Better Earth means that humans can lead a better life. Find out how all this occurs by reading further! 

Air Pollution’s Effect on Humans

Humans are severely affected by air pollution caused by carbon. The increased amount of carbon in the air can result in a decrease in oxygen. Oxygen gas is essential for humans to breathe, and without it, humans can’t breathe. Humans face difficulty in breathing when carbon is more than it should be in the air. 


Lowering our carbon footprint is beneficial to everything and everyone on this Earth. It leads to a better life on Earth. So, do everything that you can possibly do to save the Earth from the harmful effects of carbon. 

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