How Does Deforestation Affect Global Warming and Climate Change?


Deforestation is widespread nowadays, even though it has massive disadvantages for the Earth. Deforestation is one of the biggest causes of global warming and climate change. Deforestation means cutting and burning of forests and trees. There are many reasons why deforestation occurs, and it has many disadvantages for the environment as well. It is necessary to understand why we should save our forests instead of cutting them for different purposes. Raising awareness about global warming is the first step to fight against it. People can only be interested in fighting against something when they know the benefits of fighting and the disadvantages of not fighting. So, let’s find out how does deforestation affect global warming and climate change! 

Deforestation and Its Purposes

Before knowing how deforestation is harmful to the environment and how does deforestation affects global warming and climate change, you must understand the meaning of it. You must also know the reasons why deforestation occurs so that you know that mainly human activities contribute to the increase of global warming, which results in climatic change. All of these things have their disadvantages and severely affect the Earth. Deforestation is mainly done to cut wood and obtain it. There are many other purposes of clearcutting of forests. Let’s find out about them!

Purposes of Deforestation

The primary purpose of deforestation is to obtain timber and plant materials from the forests. Such plant materials include timber, wood, leaves, and different elements that are present in different trees. All these things are obtained for humans. For example, wood is gathered to make houses, burn it in winters, to build furniture, etc. Moreover, paper and cardboard also come from wood. 

As the population of this world is increasing, the need for more area to live is increasing as well. To get enough space to live and build buildings, offices, parks, etc., people cut down forests to obtain more area. It is another thing done for humans and their amusement and benefit.

Another reason for deforestation is to make different items to get money from selling them. These items include oils and medicines. Moreover, cattle ranching is also a purpose of deforestation. 

Effects of Deforestation on Global Warming

Global warming is increasing day by day, and it is affecting the Earth terribly. Every year, 18.7 million acres of forests are cut down from the Earth. Basically, forests are suitable for the Earth because they absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Forests absorb and store a large amount of carbon dioxide. It is because trees and plants require carbon dioxide to make food for themselves. Therefore, carbon dioxide in the air is essential for plants. But more than the usual amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere isn’t good for anything. 

When forests are cut down, there are fewer and fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide. Therefore, we need more trees so that they absorb the carbon from the air and neutralize carbon in the environment. If the amount of carbon in the air is more than the usual amount, then it can cause many problems other than global warming. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming. Due to global warming, the Earth and everyone living on it suffer a lot. If we don’t stop or reduce the increase of global warming, we won’t be able to survive here.

Why is Global Warming Bad?

Now that you know how deforestation affects global warming, you must understand why global warming is bad for the environment! What is so wrong about global warming that everyone talks about stopping and reducing it? Basically, global warming raises the average temperature of the Earth. There is an average temperature of Earth in which humans and animals can survive. If the average temperature exceeds a limit, then the Earth would become too hot to live on. Not only this, but the Earth will also become too cold to live during winters. 

It is not the only effect of global warming. Even animals are affected by it too. Some animals that can’t survive in hot weather are becoming extinct because of global warming. Moreover, glaciers and snow melt faster than they should due to global warming. All of these things happen because of deforestation and other human activities, and we must work to stop them.

Effects of Deforestation on Climate Change

Climate change is also an effect of global warming. When global warming occurs, and the temperature rises, it causes climate change. Trees provide shade and cooler temperature to the Earth. You must have noticed that at places where there is a lot of greenery and trees, the temperature is lower as compared to other sites. Think of it this way that if there weren’t any trees near you, the climate would be hotter. Climate change also causes another factor that when winters arrive, the temperature is too cold and when summers arrive, the temperature is too hot. 

When trees are cut down, they not only stop absorbing carbon, but they also contribute to the emission of carbon. When trees are cut, the carbon dioxide stored in them is released in the atmosphere, and it is way more than your car produces. Deforestation contributes to global warming and climate change rapidly. 

Other Effects of Deforestation

Deforestation not only affects global warming and climate change. It also has additional disadvantages, and the advantages we get from the cutting of trees can never be greater than the problems. Following are the other disadvantages of deforestation:

Many forests are the habits of different species of animals. When we cut down forests, we snatch the home of many animals due to which they become extinct. 

About 60 million people depend entirely on forests, and when they are cut down, such people suffer from a massive loss.


Deforestation has many disadvantages, and it affects global warming and climate change adversely. We must work to stop the cutting of trees and forests and instead plant more and more trees. Reduction in deforestation won’t reduce global warming, but it will also not increase it.

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